WarrenLouw on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/warrenlouw/art/Carnival-City-Rio-287800510WarrenLouw

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WarrenLouw's avatar

Carnival City - Rio



Recently I was contacted to create some art for one of South Africa's biggest casino's, Carnival City. [link]

This is the first carnival theme (Rio Carnival) and it looks like I will still be getting to numerous others from around the world. Why the Jester? Well, he's the mascot to Carnival City.

This is one of 4 illustrations that I created for them so far, which included way too many late nights considering the awesome deadline. Was quite a challenge, and even though I couldn't quite put in the quality I would have liked to, it was definitely a great experience.

• Painted in Photoshop CS4 with an Wacom Intuos 3 and lots of coffee.
Image size
536x982px 435.26 KB
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karinehabib's avatar
I'm from Rio and I love how you've captured the spirit! Hope you'll do more like this soon :)